When you register for a eShop Designers account, eShop Designers obtains contact information, such as your name, address, and phone number, as well as payment information, such as your credit card number.
When you use eShop Designers’s service, our systems record information about your session, such as the dates and times of use, and the specific Internet address assigned to you. eShop Designers also tracks requests you make for information on eShop Designers’s products and services, and responses you provide to eShop Designers surveys. Finally, eShop Designers keeps records of your payment history and communications you have with eShop Designers’s support team. Except in extraordinary circumstances (when we receive a court order, to protect the company’s rights or property, or in emergencies where someone’s safety is at risk), eShop Designers does not keep track of what sites you visit when you are using the service.